Doubt and uncertainty regarding the news about only local test accepted when applying Vietnam DoC from July 1, 2018, have been existing in certification market,which to some extent confuses manufacturers.
经过ABB与越南政府机构的确认, 自2018年7月1日起,申请越南DoC确实不再接受CB转证,并要求寄样品到越南MIC认可的实验室进行相关测试。也就是说,越南将不再接受具有ISO/IEC17025资质的海外实验室出具的IEC 62133:2012报告,只会接受越南MIC认可实验室出具的检测报告,这一说法在越南MIC发布的公文《Circular 04/2018/BTTTT》也有明确规定。
After reconfirmed by ABB with Vietnam government organization, CB report will indeed be invalid and test sample shall be delivered to Vietnam MIC recognized laboratory for local testing from July 1, 2018. It means Vietnam government will no longer accept IEC 62133:2012 report issued by Accredited ISO/IEC 17025 oversea laboratory but test report issued by MIC recognized laboratory, which is also clearly specified in Circular04/2018/BTTTT by Vietnam MIC.
53 电芯 +21 电池(对于聚合物电芯,仅需43 电芯)
Sample quantity and lead time are as follow:
Sample Quantity:
53 Cells + 21 Packs (43 Cells if it is polymer cells.)
Testing Lead time:
For Cells: 15 days
For Packs: 5 days
For Packs+ Cells: 18 days
目前在越南只有两家试验室可以做越南DoC认证, 而其中一家正是ABB与越南政府合作的电池实验室,该实验室于2017年开始运行并拥有相应的资质,也是目前越南唯一一家能进行QCVN101:2016(即IEC 62133:2012)全部测试的电池实验室。
So far, only two local laboratories in Vietnam are qualified to conduct DoC certification testing, and one of which is cooperated between ABB and Vietnam.It began operation in 2017 and is the only laboratory qualified to conduct full QCVN101:2016 testing.
Last but not least, UN38.3 whose report is required is also subject to local test in Vietnam when applying Vietnam DoC.However, due to ABB's close cooperation with related organization in Vietnam,UN38.3 report issued by ABB can be directly used to apply for Vietnam DoC.
For more Vietnam DoC information or certification needs,please contact:
Wang Guoshu:+8615914189906
Fang Juan:+86 15813800982