We are modern educational toy company based in Melbourne Australia. mierEdu® is all about making learning fun and easy for children. We focus on design, child development and sustainability, and create modern design and eco-friendly educational toys that inspire the little ones. Believed in “make learning fun”, our goal is to make everyday play enjoyable while fostering the best development of children in each milestone.
mierEdu是美学早教玩具品牌,公司位于澳大利亚墨尔本,以0-8岁儿童和新生代年轻妈妈为核心用户群体,用现代化审美结合“美学,环保,益智,好玩”产品价值主张,设计开发符合儿童发展各阶段的教玩具。我们以“make learning fun”为品牌理念,帮助孩子们在每天愉快的玩乐时光中学习、成长、培养相应的技能和思维,帮助孩子奠定终身学习能力的基础。